Friday, March 25, 2011

What to do?

What to do?
            Saturday night there was a party, when I arrived home around 1:45 a.m. I felt fine. The next morning I felt like crap, I was in shock wondering why my throat and head hurt so much. That Sunday I didn’t go to church stayed in bed all day; didn’t eat anything drank lots of liquids like water and orange juice. Monday arrived, and I didn’t get out of my bed; my mother went to check my temperature I had a fever around 102 f. My mom said I’m taking you to the hospital, I really didn’t want to because my bones were in pain, but my mom forced me to get out of bed. When I arrived to the hospital my Doctor was already waiting for me. He checked my temperature, blood pressure on my arm, my ears, my nose, and my throat. The Doctor would grace a cotton swab and scrap it inside my throat. He did an exam, and I came out positive for a virus in my throat. He sent me some anti-biotic to help me get better I wasn’t able to go out for 3 to 4 days. Tuesday came, in bed all day wasn’t allowed to leave my room my mom would bring me soup, and water. I wasn’t happy at all being sick, overall you should always try and keep yourself healthy because you never know when you can get severely sick.   

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